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Historical milestones
Major donations
Teachers in HKU
陳君葆先生 Mr. CHAN Kwan-po
羅香林教授 Prof. LO Hsiang-lin
羅忼烈教授 Prof. LUO Kanglie
簡麗冰博士 Dr. KAN Lai Bing
趙令揚教授 Prof. CHIU Ling Yeong
張曼儀博士 Dr. Mary M.Y. Fung
黎活仁博士 Dr. LAI W.Y.
馬楚堅博士 Dr. MA C.K.
何貴初博士 Dr. HO K.C.
陳遠止博士 Dr. CHAN Y.C.
李啟文博士 Dr. Clement K. M. Lee
李培德博士 Dr. LEE Pui Tak
HKU Alumni
馮秉芬爵士 Sir Kenneth FUNG Ping Fan
馮秉華先生 Mr. FUNG Ping Wah
馮炳祥先生 Mr. FUNG Ping Cheung
杜秩明女士 Madam TO Tit Ming
News clipping of Fung Ping Shan Library Opening Ceremony
The plate commemorating the donation of the Chinese Encyclopaedia Tu Shu Chi Cheng from the late Governor Sir Cecil Clement
The plaque commemorating the donation of Dr Wong Mo Hon
Books of ancient seals in Dr Lee Cho Yau’s collection
Reprint of Chinese Rare Book Series as a gift from the Chinese Government
Artefacts of a number one scholar namely Wu Lu in a highest imperial examination
Dr Luo Zhen Fu Collection
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